Retrospection of ethnoveterinary medicines of Madhya Pradesh, India


  • R.L.S. Sikarwar Arogyadham (J.R.D. Tata Foundation for Research in Ayurveda & Yoga Sciences), Deendayal Research Institute, Chitrakoot, Dist. Satna (M.P.) - 485 334, India


Madhya Pradesh, Tribal and rural communities, Ethnoveterinary medicine


Madhya Pradesh is situated in the centre of India, endowed with rich and diverse forest and cultural diversity. The review of literature on ethnoveterinary medicines reveals that about 258 species of plants belonging to 209 genera and 82 families are employed by tribal and rural communities of Madhya Pradesh for the treatment of about 139 types of ailments, diseases and disorders of their pet/ domesticated animals. The information regarding the uses of plants for veterinary purpose is verbally transmitted from one generation to another. This indigenous knowledge and practice of tribal and rural people is based on locally available herbs and are very effective to cure diseases and disorders of animals. Therefore, all these herbs should be screened scientifically in order to investigate newer sources of ethnoveterinary drugs and medicines of herbal origin.



How to Cite

R.L.S. Sikarwar. (2017). Retrospection of ethnoveterinary medicines of Madhya Pradesh, India. Journal of Traditional and Folk Practices (JTFP), 5(1). Retrieved from



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