Preclinical studies of a medicinal plant (coded) based on Traditional Knowledge with special reference to Access and Benefit Sharing – Part 1
Traditional Knowledge, Multiple Therapeutic Effects, Preclinical studies, Antidiabetic, Access and Benefit SharingAbstract
This scientific study was carried out based on traditional knowledge related to a medicinal plant (Code No. 222*) disclosed by a traditional healer after signing Prior Informed Consent (PIC) and Contractual Agreement including non-disclosure agreement with Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI). The claim of the traditional healer was that he is using the particular medicinal plant species for treating diabetes, liver disorders, jaundice and to relieve fatigue. On verification, no scientific study so far has been carried out on this plant species and the therapeutic usage was kept as trade secret by the healer. The main objectives of the preclinical study was to conduct scientific evaluation of the claim disclosed by the traditional healer, to explore the possibilities for developing single/polyherbal formulation and its scientific validation through conducting preclinical studies. In the present study, the authors carried out plant taxonomy, pharmacognosy, phytochemistry, ethnopharmacology and toxicity studies of the plant species (single/polyherbal formulation). The preclinical studies so far carried out by the authors shows that the given coded drug (Single and Polyherbal formulations) possesses significant antidiabetic, hepatoprotective and antifatigue properties as claimed by the traditional healer. Apart from this, the medicinal plant possesses excellent antioxidant property. The study further shows that the medicinal plant is devoid of any side effects. Based on the study, a patent application was filed with the title ‘A novel polyherbal formulation with multiple therapeutic effects as antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, antifatigue and antioxidant’ (Application No. 2277/CHE/2011) to Regional Patent Office, Chennai. The traditional healer was also included as one of the inventors in the patent application. This is the first case study on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) where a Traditional Healer was included as one of the inventors. The first part of the study highlights the pharmacological study on anti-diabetic effect of the medicinal plant.