A review on the role of Vasa avaleha in jwara upadrava kasa


  • Devi D Das Department of Kayachikitsa, Pankajakasthuri Ayurveda Medical College and PG Centre, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 572, Kerala, India
  • Arjun Chand C P Department of Kayachikitsa, Pankajakasthuri Ayurveda Medical College and PG Centre, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 572, Kerala, India
  • Arun Pratap Department of Kayachikitsa, Pankajakasthuri Ayurveda Medical College and PG Centre, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 572, Kerala, India
  • Kasthuri Nair A Department of Kayachikitsa, Pankajakasthuri Ayurveda Medical College and PG Centre, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 572, Kerala, India


Aganivardhana, Leenadosha, Rasayana, Srothoshodhana


The complication of cough due to fever is known as jwara upadrava kasa. It has become a prevalent issue affecting the majority of our population. The chronicity of this disease is increasing over time due to the emergence of different types of viral fevers. The usage of antibiotics is not a permanent solution. Vasa avaleha is one of the effective ayurvedic formulations to treat this condition. This medicine is srothoshodhana (cleansing channels), agnivardhana (enhancement of digestive fire) and rasayana (rejuvenation) in action, vasicine, a chemical constituent present in Justicia adhatoda L., and the alkaloid piperine found in Piper longum L., exhibit broncho-dilatory as well as immunomodulatory action. Vasa avaleha primarily acts on the respiratory tract. The present review is an attempt to understand the pathogenesis of this disease and the probable mode of action of Vasa avaleha in jwara upadrava kasa




How to Cite

Devi D Das, Arjun Chand C P, Arun Pratap, & Kasthuri Nair A. (2023). A review on the role of Vasa avaleha in jwara upadrava kasa. Journal of Traditional and Folk Practices (JTFP), 11(1 & 2). Retrieved from https://jtfp.jntbgri.res.in/index.php/jtfp/article/view/192



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