Ecological niche modelling of Trichopus zeylanicus subsp. travancoricus (Bedd.) Burkill ex. K Narayanan (Arogyapacha) an ethnomedicinal herb
Bioclimatic, Eco-tourism, Habitat, Perennial herb, Tribal communitiesAbstract
Trichopus zeylanicus subsp. travancoricus (Bedd.) Burkill ex. K Narayanan is an important ethnomedicinal plant. Restricted distributions were observed at southern Western Ghats, India and populations were growing as small, isolated patches. The purpose of this study was to predict the current and possible future distribution of T. zeylanicus subsp. travancoricus in India. The current distribution of the species depends on the availability of suitable habitats, capacity to disperse to other habitats and persist owe after establishment. The ecological niche modelling shows that a considerable number of suitable habitats could vanish in the coming years because of changing climatic conditions. The area mapped on both current and future space can help identify potential future habitats that could be valuable for eco-restoration and conservation efforts.