Memory enhancing effect of Kuvalaya (Monochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.) C. Presl ex Kunth) in Wistar albino rats
Acute toxicity, Ashtangahrdaya, Chatushkuvalaya rasayana, Dementia, T-MazeAbstract
According to World Health Organization (WHO), dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people for which piracetam and anticholinesterases are the only available treatment, but these are inadequate to provide optimum treatment. Ashtangahrdaya describes a formulation called chathushkuvalaya rasayana which is glorified as a potent memory enhancer, where Kuvalaya is the only herbal ingredient. In Kerala, Kuvalaya is botanically identified as Monochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.) C.Presl ex Kunth., belonging to Pontederiaceae family. The present study intended to assess the memory enhancing effect of Kuvalaya Ghrta (KG), Kuvalaya swarasa (KS), ethanolic extract of Kuvalaya (KEE) using T-Maze test. The acute toxicity of the ethanolic extract of Kuvalaya (M. vaginalis) was also assessed according to OECD guidelines 425. The T-Maze experiment was carried out in six groups having six rats each (36 rats). Initially the baseline memory was established in each group. The T maze test was done on the 15th day to assess the improvement in memory in different groups. The memory enhancing effect was assessed by comparing different groups before and after treatment and between different groups. It was observed that GIII Pira (Standard group-piracetam dose500 mg/kg) and GIV-KG (Kuvalaya Ghrta 4.32ml/kg) showed an improvement in memory after chronic dosing of the medicines for 14 days. Multiple Comparison Post-Hoc analysis revealed GIV-KG provided considerable improvement in memory when comparing with all other groups which was statistically significant but did not have statistically significant memory enhancement when comparing with the standard drug (GIII-Pira). No acute toxicity was observed for the ethanolic extract up to 2000 mg/kg.