Single plant drugs advocated as functional food and medicine in diabetes (prameha) in the brhatrayee of Ayurveda: A review


  • M Sujithra Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Clappana, Kollam – 690 525, Kerala, India


Diet, Lifestyle disorder, Samhita, Treatment


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, primarily characterized by increased blood sugar levels, polyuria and polyphagia. The drugs prescribed in diabetes; insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs may have one or more side effects, necessitating a constant search for novel drugs with minimal or no side effects. Healthy diet, physical activity and optimal body weight are the pillars in the management of diabetes. In Ayurveda, ‘prameha’ can be correlated to diabetes, considering the similar clinical presentations. Though the treatment for prameha has been extensively dealt with in the samhitas (classical textbooks of Ayurveda), there are also several single drugs specifically mentioned. This unique review from the ayurvedic aspect was done to understand the intensity with which this traditional system of Indian medicine signifies the role of single drugs (plant source) in the management or treatment of diabetes, either as a functional food or as medicine. Analyzing the four classical ayurvedic textbookscollectively called as brhatrayee, only eleven single drugs were mentioned as potential agents for prameha. Out of these eleven, six can be categorized as functional food and can be consumed on a regular basis, while the remaining five are medicines to be consumed under medical supervision. The concept of ‘functional food’ is grabbing attention. The drugs mentioned in the classical texts attribute to this aspect, as the biologically active components, not only helps to enhance health but also reduces the complications that can arise due to diabetes, specifically diabetes being a lifestyle disorder where food plays a significant role.




How to Cite

M Sujithra. (2022). Single plant drugs advocated as functional food and medicine in diabetes (prameha) in the brhatrayee of Ayurveda: A review. Journal of Traditional and Folk Practices (JTFP), 10(1 & 2). Retrieved from



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