Herbal remedies for jaundice in tribal system of medicine from Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh
Visakhapatnam, Ethnomedicine, Bagata, KhondAbstract
The present investigation deals with 66 plant species belonging to 61 genera and 40 families used to treat jaundice by the tribal people of Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh. Euphorbiaceae is the dominant family with 5 species followed by Asclepiadaceae (4 spp.) and others. Herbs are dominant with 31 species followed by trees (18) and others. Leaf is used in 27 practices followed by root (23), whole plant (10) and others. 46 practices were found to be new.
How to Cite
M Hari Babu, B Sandhya Sri, & T V V Seetharami Reddi. (2020). Herbal remedies for jaundice in tribal system of medicine from Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Traditional and Folk Practices (JTFP). Retrieved from https://jtfp.jntbgri.res.in/index.php/jtfp/article/view/134
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